The TERN blog: Insights and updates

Our foundation

Fair recruitment - strong principles

We are consistently committed to fair recruitment standards and attach great importance to ethical and professional conduct by all parties.

Corporate principles

TERN is committed to responsible corporate governance and to maintaining the highest ethical and professional standards in the recruitment and placement of international nursing professionals.

This policy statement defines our voluntary commitments, based on the guiding principles of the "Fair Recruitment Care Germany" seal of approval and on international standards for human rights and fair working conditions.

Our guiding principles

  1. Written form and transparency
    All of our business processes, placement conditions and contracts are documented in writing and provided in a language that care professionals can understand. In this way, we guarantee traceability and transparency in all phases of the placement.
  2. The placement process is free of charge
    The entire placement process is free of charge for care professionals. Theemployer-pays principle applies, i.e. all costs associated with the placement, including language courses, recognition procedures and travel expenses, are covered by the employers. No fees or payments are charged to care professionals - either directly or indirectly.
  3. Limitation of economic risk
    Repayment clauses and contractual obligations are only permitted in clearly defined exceptional cases, such as premature termination by the caregiver for a reason for which they are responsible. Repayments to be made relate exclusively to actual and verifiable costs incurred.
  4. Transparency regarding structures, services and costs
    All parties involved in the recruitment process are fully informed about the key stages of the recruitment process, the services offered, potential costs and their rights and obligations. This ensures that they can make informed and self-determined decisions throughout the recruitment process and that they can treat each other with respect and equality.
  5. Sustainability and participation
    We promote long-term relationships between care professionals and employers by closely aligning the recruitment process with the needs and expectations of both sides. We support companies in structurally anchoring measures that enable international professionals to settle in well both at work and at home.
  6. Overall responsibility for the service chain
    We are committed to ensuring that all our partner companies comply with the principles of this declaration of principles. Violations of the guidelines will lead to audits and, if necessary, termination of the cooperation.

International standards and human rights

We are committed to complying with international human rights standards, including:

For fair and ethical practices in the recruitment and placement of international nursing staff

  • Recruitment without exploitation: No nurses are recruited from countries where there is a shortage of health workers and which are therefore on the current WHO Health Workforce Support and Safeguards List.
  • Freedom and equal treatment: Our processes are free from coercion, discrimination and any form of recruitment fees.
  • Respect for human rights: We are committed to respecting and promoting fundamental human rights and social standards. This includes protection against sexual harassment, ensuring equal opportunities, health and safety in the workplace and fair wages.
  • Confidentiality and data protection: The protection of personal data and the confidentiality of all information is a top priority for us.

Publication and evaluation

This policy statement is made publicly available, in particular on our website, and is available in the languages relevant to the countries of origin of the nurses we recruit. It is regularly reviewed and updated to comply with current legal and ethical standards.

Status: November 2024

Support for customers

Do you already have a business relationship with TERN and would like to make complaints or suggestions for improvement? Would you like to report incidents or complaints about the employment relationship brokered by TERN?